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AniForte Green Lipped Mussel Powder

AniForte Green Lipped Mussel Powder

RSP: £29.99

Size/Pack Size: 250g

A high level of glucosamine glycans supports normal joint function and is given as a preventative measure, especially for dogs prone to joint problems. The mussels are also a rich source of chondroitin, vitamins C and E, antioxidants, and minerals such as copper, zinc, and selenium, all of which are vital to your pet’s joint health. Our Green Lipped Mussels come from a licensed marine farm in New Zealand, where the mussels are processed as a whole by gentle freeze-drying, to ensure the original nutrients are preserved.

Ingredients: Green lipped mussel powder (3.3% glycosaminoglycans, 3.2% omega-3 fatty acids, 0.63% omega-6 fatty acids)