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Phytopet Dry 2: Managing Pet Diarrhoea Naturally

Phytopet Dry 2: Managing Pet Diarrhoea Naturally

RSP: £7.99

Size/Pack Size: 30ml

A pet suffering from diarrhoea can be distressing for both the animal and the owner. Phytopet Dry 2 is designed to provide natural, herbal relief for such situations. This blend is also compatible with Tum-Ease when you're changing your pet's food.

Available in 30ml and 100ml options,

Key Ingredients:

Shepherd's Purse: Renowned for its antiseptic, diuretic, and astringent properties, making it ideal for treating both incontinence and diarrhoea.
American Cranesbill: A herbal powerhouse for urinary and bowel issues, offering astringent properties specific for diarrhoea.
Tormentil: Highly effective for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diarrhoea due to its astringent properties.
Goldenrod: Soothes and tones mucus membranes, and is particularly effective against bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections.
Oak: Known for its astringent properties, useful for digestive problems and specifically for diarrhoea.
Fenugreek: Acts as a digestive tonic, calming the digestive tract and is specific for dysentery.
Cinnamon: Widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for its warming, astringent properties beneficial for stomach upsets and diarrhoea.
Coptis: Traditionally used in Chinese medicine for diarrhoea, colitis and blood in the stools.

Additional Support:

Hydration: Offer plenty of water and electrolytes.
Gut Health: Use carob or slippery elm powder mixed into water, and reintroduce good bacteria to the gut as symptoms reduce.

Very Important: If diarrhoea persists for more than three days, or if your pet shows signs of severe dehydration or altered consciousness, seek immediate veterinary advice.