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Beaphar Toothpaste

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RSP: £5.99

Size/Pack Size: 100g

Specially formulated for dogs & its regular use will make bad-breath or expensive dental treatments less likely. Beaphar Toothpaste is readily accepted, due to it's meaty flavour, and regular toothbrushing can become a fun part of your dog's routine. Brushing dislodges plaque, then the special formula goes into action with two enzymes that fight bad bacteria and break down hidden plaque. Also suitable for cats.

You can watch a video by Beaphar UK, by clicking on the link below, about the importance of dental care for pets and How to Brush a Dog's Teeth.*

*Link will open a new window to an external, 3rd party, website. Bestpets are not responsible for the content or performance of external, 3rd party, websites.