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Retail Shampoo

Be:Clean Pet Shampoo

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RSP: £9.99

Size/Pack Size: 100g

Antibacterial & Cleansing

If your pet is a frequent fox-poo roller, then this shampoo bar is for you! It gives a glossy coat, with a reassuringly clean scent thanks to the natural blend of tea tree essence and the growth-boosting benefits of green tea extract. Antibacterial tea-tree oil helps to keep your pets’s coat free from lice and bacteria – making them an even cuddlier friend to snuggle up with.

Directions – Rub into your pet’s coat to work up a lather and rinse as you would any other shampoo… this is just in a bar, not a plastic bottle. Can be used in conjunction with your regular shampoo.

Ingredients – Aloe, tea tree essence, green tea extract, follicle boosters, botanicals.


Approx. 25 – 30 washes

Always tested on humans.

Let them Be:Loved.